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    • Union Économique et Monétaire Ouest Africaine (UEMOA) (Supprimer)

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Union Économique et Monétaire Ouest Africaine (UEMOA) - Monde


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  DateType de publication Titre Emetteur / Entité
10 Jun 2022 Announcement Moody's update on EU Sovereign calendar issuers Bas-Rhin, depar...
Bordeaux Metrop...
Caen la Mer, Co...
Carinthia, Stat...
Collectivite Eu...
Collectivites T...
Communautes Urb...
Communautes Urb...
Communautes Urb...
05 Dec 2017 Sector In-Depth Sovereign: Sovereign sukuk issuance gains momentum, with new players entering the market Bahrain, Govern...
Cote d'Ivoire, ...
Ghana, Governme...
Indonesia, Gove...
Islamic Corp. f...
Islamic Develop...
Jordan, Governm...
Kenya, Governme...
Kuwait, Governm...
Malaysia, Gover...
07 Nov 2014 Announcement Moody's update on Sovereign calendar issuers Baden-Wuerttemb...
Bavaria, Free S...
Belgium, Govern...
Berlin, Land of
Brandenburg, La...
European Union
Hungary, Govern...
Novi Sad, City ...
Saxony-Anhalt, ...
04 Sep 2014 Special Comment Islamic Finance: Sovereign Sukuk: Issuance Rises as New Governments Enter Islamic Capital Markets Abu Dhabi, Gove...
Australia, Gove...
Azerbaijan, Gov...
Bangladesh, Gov...
Egypt, Governme...
Hong Kong SAR, ...
Indonesia, Gove...
Islamic Develop...
Jordan, Governm...
Kenya, Governme...
11 Jul 2014 Announcement Moody's update on Sovereign calendar issuers Budapest, City ...
Ethiopia, Gover...
European Union
Iceland, Govern...
Senegal, Govern...
Switzerland, Go...
13 Feb 2014 Special Comment An Introduction to Moody's Credit Risk Analysis of CLOs
 The document has been translated in other languages

31 May 2013 Announcement Moody's : En Afrique subsaharienne, les probl?mes d'infrastructures demeurent un enjeu majeur African Develop...
Angola, Governm...
Botswana, Gover...
Ghana, Governme...
Kenya, Governme...
Mauritius, Gove...
Namibia, Govern...
Nigeria, Govern...
Senegal, Govern...
Shelter Afrique
31 May 2013 Announcement Moody's says infrastructure deficiencies in Sub-Saharan Africa remain a key challenge African Develop...
Angola, Governm...
Botswana, Gover...
Egypt, Governme...
Ghana, Governme...
Kenya, Governme...
Mauritius, Gove...
Namibia, Govern...
Nigeria, Govern...
Senegal, Govern...
03 Oct 2012 Announcement Moody's: Increase in African international debt issuance expected medium to long term African Develop...
Angola, Governm...
Botswana, Gover...
Egypt, Governme...
Mauritius, Gove...
Morocco, Govern...
Namibia, Govern...
Senegal, Govern...
Shelter Afrique
South Africa, G...
03 Oct 2012 Announcement Moody's : Mont?e en puissance attendue de l'Afrique sur les march?s obligataires internationaux ? moyen et long termes African Develop...
Angola, Governm...
Botswana, Gover...
Egypt, Governme...
Mauritius, Gove...
Morocco, Govern...
Namibia, Govern...
Senegal, Govern...
Shelter Afrique
South Africa, G...
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